Week 25 Disneyland

Wednesday January 27-31, 2010

Surprise Disneyland Vacation

It all started on New Year's Day. Our kids woke up and trickled into our bedroom. As we laughed and snuggled and talked about what we wanted to do that day together. Someone, I don't remember who, possibly myself, said we should go to Disneyland. At first it was a joke and then... I thought it would be fun to just take off and go to Disneyland as something crazy.

Now, JJ and I aren't complete strangers to spontaneous trips. Once when we were dating at college, we were driving home from Wal mart on a Friday and saw a sign for Las Vegas that said 276 miles. We said to ourselves "let's go to Vegas tonight." So we ran back to our apartments to grab some things and told our roommates we were going to Vegas to get married (kidding obviously). In less than 20 minutes we were headed to Las Vegas for the weekend. I called some longtime family friends to ask if we could stay with them-- I knew they would be fine with the short notice. That was the beginning of a great weekend and memory.

Since the inception of children, spontanaety has been limited to a few last minute camping or day sailing trips. Nothing of the magnitude of a Disneyland vacation. However, we started to seriously consider it. Then spontanaety succumbed to reality as I remembered we had plans that evening, and that it was New Year's weekend-- one of the busiest holidays of the year. Despite the inability to throw caution to the wind that day, the glimpse of excitement we felt and witnessed in our children in those brief moments, led to a new idea. A thought occured to me for the first time in my life, we didn't need to tell them when we were going, we could plan the trip without their knowledge and wait to tell them until we were actually on our way. We would reap all the benefits of proper planning, but the kids would still experience the thrill of a spontaneous vacation. I leaned over and wispered the idea to JJ and it was agreed that would be our secret plan. The next couple weeks passed for me like a child waiting for their birthday to arrive. I was so anxious to tell them and see the looks on their faces. I have always had a hard time with surprises. Whenever I get a present for someone, I hate waiting to give it to them. It was especially difficult since we had originally planned to go January 20th, but the weather forecast showed constant rain all the days we would have been in Disneyland. We decided to push our vacation back a week since the kids wouldn't know any better-- another advantage of keeping it a surprise.

I spent the next couple weeks, buying souveniers from the Disney store, working out possible ride itineraries using Ridemax software, buying sugary snacks, and all sorts of things even my A-type friends would be proud of. It was no easy feat planning this trip under my kids noses. I was so worried I would make a mistake and end up blowing the surprise. But we made it through and the night before, we packed the car while they were sleeping. Everything was ready.

JJ and I woke up excited like little kids on the Christmas morning. I had the hardest time hiding my joy and it killed me watching the kids get ready for school like any other day. It was all I could do to keep from shouting "We're going to Disneyland today guys!!!"

JJ came home from work early and we put the last few things in the car. Jordan was playing at a friend's house so that he wouldn't wonder what was going on. We decided to take the car to save on gas, but that meant fitting everything in the trunk! We couldn't have anything that looked like road trip material inside the car. There literally was not a spare inch of space left.

Packed to the hilt!

No evidence of our secret plans... mooha ha ha ha!

JJ got off work early on wednesday, so we could pick the kids up together and leave straight from school. On the way to get them we were both nervous, it felt like we were pulling off a heist. We covered the unusual circumstance of JJ's presence with the excuse that we thought it would be fun to do something as a family on their Early release day. We made our way to the freeway, asking for their input on possible destinations. After about 15 minutes of listening to them throwing out ideas and exponentially increasing questions of "where are we going?" we couldn't handle it anymore. It was time to tell them. I thought ahead and got the camcorder ready to document their response. Here is the video of us telling them.

I wasn't quite prepared for how much convincing it would take. Isabel and Jordan didn't take long, but I think it was about an hour before Laney was fully convinced. In fact, it became the family joke of the weekened. Each day, every so often someone would say "Laney, now do you believe?"

Trunk Evidence Video

I bought all sorts of sugar cereal we don't normally have and other special snacks. I think Laney was as excited for captian crunch as she was for Disneyland. I love how they looked for Disneyland in the trunk. I'm not quite sure what they were thinking.

On our way!

Video, Dancing in the Car

"Life is a Highway" came on the radio just as we were heading out of town. It fit the mood quite nicely. The kids were so cute rocking out I had to capture it.

Opening their Souveniers

We stopped at a Thai place for dinner that has become a tradition on the road between Phoenix and LA.  It all started a year or two ago when I was driving alone with the kids back from visiting my sister.  I was so hungry, but sooo tired of road food. The kids were yammering for lunch and I was desperately trying to find something that sounded decent to eat. Knowing we were on our way out of civilization and our meal choices were about to be reduced to cactus, I started to panic and I almost sold out for Denny's.  Then I saw a beacon of hope--there was banner on the back of a building that said "Thai Food." We quickly exited and everyone cheered at the suggestion --they were sick of burgers too! We had such a pleasant experience relaxing in the quiet restaurant, using a clean bathroom, and sharing tastey food that wasn't deep fried. We cleaned our plates, and my stomach thanked me for not dumping  greasy french fries into it. As we walked out the kids noticed a donut shop next door and pleaded for a donut. Everyone picked one, and we got back in the car refreshed and happy.  It was such a pleasant memory that since then, I have made it a point to stop there each time we've passed that way.  We left on our trip so that we would get there about dinner time. I put the souveniers in gift bags and brought them out as a second surprise for them to open in the restaurant. 

That night after checking into the Castle Inn, just a couple blocks from the Disneyland entrance, we took off to check out Disneyland! In the thrill of the moment, I forgot to take the camera and video camera. I regret it,  because it was so precious seeing the early excitement and wonder as they saw Disneyland for the first time. As we walked through Downtown Disney, the joy of anticipation on their little faces was wonderful to watch as a parent. It reminds me of other moments as I see the kids discovering things for the first time. The world holds so much wonder for them. And it's a constant reminder to me to appreciate the simple pleaures, as well as the dramatic ones.


Our final surprise of the night,  was that their cousin Alexis was coming with us. She lives north of LA and she was going to meet us at the hotel that night. Her 9th birthday happened to be that weekend and My sister surprised her too with the news she would be going with us. I decided not to tell the kids about it, so they would have another fun surprise. Capturing that reunion on film was too good to pass up.

I think this was my favorite moment of the vacation. Nothing could compare with the joy found in their happy little screams!

Alexis is their other sister!!!

The Four Musketeers Reunited

Enjoying their Captain Crunch for breakfast

I have to write about something so that I don't forget.  Notice the Lanyards they are wearing. We put their identification information and our contact numbers in case we got separated.   We also gave them each
$7 they had earned for spending money when we were planning on going to  Disneyland last year. Jordan, the silly, had to take out his money when we got to the hotel room despite JJ's admonition not to. In literally 30 seconds he lost the 5 dollar bill . None of us could figure out where it went.  We looked all around and thought it would turn up somewhere on the floor later. Never found it. We figure the maid must have found it and kept it. So he was left with just $2 to spend. Early on the first day we notice his lanyard missing from his neck a few minutes after he had left it in the bathroom at the park. We went back to get it and found the lanyard but the money was gone. Somehow that kid managed to have all his money stolen before we even ate lunch on the first day of the trip. AHH, poor Jordan. Laney was nice and bought him a Mickey lollipop. What a nice sister. We were certainly glad we hadn't given that kid any more money.


In line for their first roller coaster of the day and their entire life--the Matterhorn.

It took some warming up to the large roller coasters. After we got off  the Matterhorn, Laney said emphatically "I am never riding that again, it's freaky!" To which we promptly said "come on guys, the line is short, let's go again."  In one minute, she found herself back in line. I could tell she really liked it, she just like pretending not to. Her proclamation was said with a hidden smirk. They all jumped in quite well, Jordan had us cover his eyes during the Matterhorn the first couple times,  but by the end of the night they were seasoned veterens-- enjoying everyone's last pick of the roller coasters and even putting their hands up frequently.


Jordan got picked to be one of the kids to participate in the Jedi training. Isabel thought the Jedi Training was too babyish when they were looking for volunteers. After it got going she wished she had gone for it. Especially when they got a chance to fight Darth Vador or Darth Moll. It's a shame because she really would have socked it to him. That girl knows how to fight!

The matching shirts turned out to be wonderful for keeping track of the girls. JJ was in charge of Jordan, since he's a full time job-- and I had the girls. They were this pack of purple--easy to spot.  The mini backpacks worked like a charm too. They each carried thier own snacks and waterbottle. They had to make them last all day.  It was great to not be bothered with wines of "I'm hungry, can I have a snack?" they just dipped into their backpack when they felt like it, which was a great distraction while we stood in line. We packed sandwiches each day so we only had to buy one, over priced, under taste meal a day.


Taking a break while everyone went on Indiana Jones.

What's Disneyland without a photo op with Mickey?

That night, after dinner we had everyone choose one last ride they wanted to go on.
These were the choices:

Isabel-- Matterhorn
Alexis-- Space Mountain
Elayna-- Thunder Mountain
Jordan -- Star Tours/Nemo

We squeezed every last minute out of the night running to Nemo just before 8 o'clock when the park closed. As soon as they realized the last ride was over. The adrenaline was gone and they all dropped from exhaustion. After all we had ridden 27 rides that day.

The walk back to the hotel was not a pleasant one, especially for Isabel!

We were back at Disneyland the next morning when it opened!

We rode a bunch of rides and then headed to California Adventure

We knew we were in for trouble when we saw many people in line wearing ponchos. But we decided to chance it.  We actually didn't get very wet the first time,  it was our need to push our luck and ride it a second time that got us. The line was really short when we came off , so we thought --"let's do it again, it'll be fine."  We wouldn't make good gamblers.  My whole back and butt were drenched. It took a few hours for it to dry especially since we went to see Aladdin immediatly after--not the greatest planning.

The Tower of Terror
I was impressed all the kids rode this and everyone was up for it again the next day.  Except Laney,  she was pretty anxious about riding it again so JJ sat out with her.  When we rode it the second time, Jordan was sitting by a man and he looked pretty nervous. He asked Jordan if it was his first time, and he said "no." He looked at him again and said "how old are you?" Our kids were definitely the youngest on that ride and in the severe minority as kids in general.
 After California Adventure closed, we went back to Disneyland for a few more rides and the Fireworks!

This time I packed candy bars to energize them for the walk home.
It worked like a charm!

We headed to California Adventure when it opened on the third day to ride all our favorites one or more last times,  and then to Disneyland again.
JJ videoed  Isabel and Alexis individually riding California Screamin'

This was their absolute favorite. It's funny, because they were both nervous to ride it the first time.  Alexis really didn't want to. I told her she didn't have to but, she decided to give it a try.  They ended up riding it 8 times! It was amazing to see the transformation in their confidence for roller coasters over the course of the 3 days. By the end they were ready for anything!

By Sunday it was time to say good-bye to Disneyland. We were sad to leave but everyone was pretty exhausted and ready for home. We rode over 80 rides in those 3 days, JJ keeps a pretty fast walking pace. We had such a great time with the kids, I was proud of them they were quite the little troopers and adventure seekers!

Saying Good-bye to their Castle :(

We drove to New Port Beach and walked out on the Pier before heading home.

We stopped again at our special spot for lunch

That was a memory we will never forget! Hopefully, the first of many fun surprises.

 I did realize that it's not enough to just let it be a spontaneous thing for the kids, I like the thrill of going somewhere fun without it being planned beforehand.  I think next time we decide to do something wild and crazy, we'll sacrifice the benefits of proper planning for the excitement of going on a completely  unplanned adventure together.

But I am glad we planned this one!


Week 27

Sunday February 14th, 2010

Garlic White Pizza, Chocolate Sugar Cookies

The Perfect Valentine's Day!

We have been a bit Valentine's Day challenged in our past. A couple of  highlights include.. the first Valentine's Day of our marriage. JJ had the stomach flu. He came home from school, handed me a rose and a candy bar he had managed to drag himself to get, threw up in the bathroom and went to bed. I felt rather pathetic as I got dinner that night in the Mcdonald's drive thru-- I was pregnant and going through my french fry craving phase. Our second Valentine's Day, Isabel was a baby, but our friend's were kind and watched her for us because they were going out when they visited family that weekend. We were so excited to go on a date alone. Alone, in Provo, Ha!  We hadn't actually gone to a resturaunt on Valentine's day for years and that night we realized why.  Provo, the dating capitol of the world, is the worst city for dinner on Valentine's day. We went to several resturaunts with wait times of an hour or more. We had other things planned and time was not a luxury.  We ended up eating at a burger joint that had recently opened. Tasty for Burgers, but not the most romantic atmosphere.

  Not all have been that bad,  through the years we have had good ones, but honestly, any "romantic" holiday that has that much pressure, is just asking for trouble. But this day was perfect.  I got up early and put little Valentines in the kid's mailboxes, and as tradition dictates--made heart shaped waffles with my little heart shaped waffle maker. It was funny, as I bounded upstairs to wake the boys for breakfast (the girls were already up of course) JJ and Jordan behaved exactly the same. I went back and forth from each room nudging them to get up, they both moaned and stirred restlessly like teenagers as they tried to squeeze out those last moments of sleep.  They did eventually wake up and we had a lovely breakfast together. JJ wrote me the sweetest card and gave me a hiking book of family hikes within 60 miles of phoenix. Hiking is a favored past time, and I had been wanting a book of good trails. After breakfast we decided to try one out-- hence the silver lining in 1 o'clock church. We went over to the Estrella Mountain Reserve and followed a trail for a while. The kids had fun exploring and we enjoyed walking and talking with them. They are such little joys in my life. We raced back to get ready for church in about 20 minutes.  Afterwards we began our special dinner. It had to be festive, so we did heart shaped Pizza and Chocolate Sugar cookies. That night we snuggle up and watched "Amelia" with the kids and ate our cookies! It was the perfect end to a perfect day. Though nothing we did was extravegant or momentous, it was the little expressions of love through out the day and the chance to spend time with my favorite people on earth, that made it so special.  Which I guess is what Valentine's Day is all about.

What a sweetie!
You too missies!
Wrapping the dough to chill

JJ cooks the Garlic Sauce for the pizza
While Jordan is my right hand man for the pizza dough.
Pizza of Love!
After I took a picture of our master piece, JJ promptly cut the pizza jaggedly down the middle and said in a mockingly sad tone "oh no, it's a broken heart." To which the girls were immediately shouting "aah dad." 

What is it with men and the pleasure of destruction? It's the same driving force that prompted my brother to torment me by dramatically stabbing my doll cake (the one's with the barbie head and the dress is the cake) right before we cut it at my birthday parties.  There is only one explanation...


Happy Valentine's Day little Cuties!

Garlic Pizza with White Sauce

3 cloves garlic, minced

1 Tbs butter
3 Tbs flour
1 cup milk

4 slices bacon ( we didn't have bacon so we substituted cooked chicken)
10 ounces fresh chopped spinach
2 onions, sliced
1/2 tsp sugar
1 cup grated Parmesan

Divide dough into 2 halves. Roll or pat it into a 12" circle ( and then crimp it with your thumb and forefinger to make a lip around the edge. (or heart shape :) )

Garlic Sauce: This is basically a white sauce with garlic: Saute a few cloves minced garlic in 1 Tbs of butter. Add 3 Tbs of flour and cook for a few minutes, while stirring. Slowly add 1 cup of milk, whisking together so it's not lumpy. Bring to a simmer and cook 5 minutes, stirring almost constantly.

The toppings could be anything you like of course. One option is spinach, bacon, and caramelized onions with Parmesan cheese on top. Cook up a few slices of bacon, then chop or crumble it up and set aside. Leave just a tablespoon of the drippings in the pan and cook 10 ounces fresh chopped spinach for a few minutes, until wilted. Put the spinach in a colander and squeeze as much liquid out as possible. Put two sliced onions in the same pan and sprinkle with a spoonful of sugar. Cook slowly until browned, about 10-15 minutes. In the meantime, grate 1 cup Parmesan cheese, about 1 cup total.

Take your pizza crust and spread the garlic sauce on it. Add Cheese.  Add the onions and spinach and bake at 410 for 15-20 minutes. (we cooked it on parchment paper, so the bottom wouldn't get tough.)

Review:  Everyone really enjoyed eating the pizza as much as JJ did cutting it. It was nice having something different than a tomato based sauce.  The chicken tasted good as a substitute and I would probably use it the next time as well.  It's a keeper.  

Chocolate Sugar Cookies

2 3/4 cups (355 grams) all purpose flour

3/4 cup (75 grams) unsweetened Dutch processed cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon (4 grams) baking powder
1 cup (227 grams) unsalted butter, room temperature
1 3/4 cups (350 grams) granulated white sugar
2 large eggs
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

For Chocolate Sugar Cookies: In a large bowl whisk together the flour, cocoa powder, salt, and baking powder.

In the bowl of your electric mixer (or with a hand mixer), beat the butter and sugar until light and fluffy (about 3 to 4 minutes). Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add the vanilla extract and beat until combined. Add the flour mixture and beat until you have a smooth dough.

Divide the dough in half and wrap each half in plastic wrap. Refrigerate for about one hour or until firm enough to roll.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (177 degrees C) and place rack in the center of the oven. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper. ( I just cooked them on my airbake pan)

Remove one half of the chilled dough from the refrigerator and, on a lightly floured surface, roll out the dough to a thickness of 1/4 inch (1 cm). (Keep turning the dough as you roll, making sure the dough does not stick to the counter.) Cut out desired shapes using a lightly floured cookie cutter and transfer cookies to the prepared baking sheet. Place the baking sheets with the unbaked cookies in the refrigerator for 10 to 15 minutes to chill the dough which prevents the cookies from spreading and losing their shape while baking. --Oops I just realized reading this, I didn't do that. Oh well they still looked like hearts, but that explains why mine didn't turn out as perfect looking as their picture. Good Idea. I guess I should read the whole recipe next time... And I get after Isabel for not paying attention--hah!

Note: If you are not going to frost the baked cookies, you may want to sprinkle the unbaked cookies with crystal or sparkling sugar.

Bake cookies for about 10 minutes (depending on size) or until they are firm around the edges. Remove from oven and let cookies cool on baking sheet for a few minutes before transferring to a wire rack to finish cooling. Frost with royal icing, if desired. Be sure that the frosting on the cookies dries completely before storing. (This may take several hours.) Frosted cookies will keep several days in an airtight container. Store between layers of parchment paper or wax paper-- I didn't do this either and they stuck together) oops

Frosting: -- I didn't use the Royal Icing One they recommend but here is their recipe (I think this is a firmer frosting, but I'm more of a taste over asthetics kind of girl)

Royal Icing:
2 large egg whites

2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
3 cups (330 grams) confectioners (powdered or icing) sugar, sifted

I used a Cream Cheese frosting:

1/4 cup butter
3 oz. cream cheese
2 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1 tsp. Vanilla

( I added 1 tsp. peppermint extract to make it minty :)  )

These turned out really great! Sugar cookies have never been a favorite of mine. Any cookie where sugar is their greatest asset, comes up lacking in my book.  Add chocolate into the mix however, and it's a game changer-- now there is a cookie worth it's weight in calories. These are definitely in that category.