Chicken Potato Casserole, Cinnamon Bread
Sunday's meal was decided upon by the fact that I had chicken and potatoes to use for ingrediants and about an hour or so before the kids would become ravenous. I found an easy casserole recipe and tried this different version of another one that I make. This was easier and quicker to get in the oven but longer to cook. Bottom line is I would make this recipe earlier in the day when the kids aren't ready to eat their toys.
As for the dessert, since we had reached a bit of a saturation point on sugar with all the holiday baking, we decided to try a new sweet bread recipe. It turned out scrumptous and one I would definitely make again.
Building mega lego houses.
Laney can never resist playing in the flour and sugar. If an open container is left unattended for too long. You can bet their hands end up in it.
The kids were using their special Christmas wear they got on our "Polar Express trip." JJ's parents and his little brother Zach were in town this weekend (they left sunday morning). JJ's mom and I decided on Saturday to do our own Trip to the North Pole with the kids. We went to the dollar store and got them each their own Christmas Mugs and plates and set of antlers to wear. We told them we had a special surprise and they had to get in their jammies. Then they came down the stairs and we gave them tickets we made out of gold paper. JJ was the conductor and punched the first letter in thier ticket. Then we choochooed around the house and ended up in the family room where they sat down to watch The Polar Express on the projector screen. When it was the hot chocolate scene, we served them hot chocolate in thier mug, with chocolate cookies and popcorn on their plates. At the end of the movie JJ finished punching their tickets. Isabel's was Love, Laney's was Laugh, Jordan's Live, and Zach's was Sing. It was such a fun and magical night! So they spent a good portion of Sunday wearing their antler ears and I did too as you can see.
Minced garlic
I love this of Laney experiencing the hazards of chopping with antlers!